Who We Are
Marlene K. Schwalje
President and CEO
Marlene’s father taught her that she didn’t have the right to complain unless she was willing to take action toward a solution, and her grandmother taught her that she could catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Marlene’s work with people and their organizations is based upon three deeply-held beliefs: that respectful communication is the foundation of a well-functioning organization; the solution exists within the problem; and that those involved in a conflict have the will and the wisdom needed for resolution. Marlene’s commitment is to engage this wisdom with respect and dignity so that collaborative and productive relationships may be preserved.
- Association for Conflict Resolution
- New Mexico Cooperative Educational Services
- New Mexico Mediation Association
- Northern New Mexico Human Resource Association (Board)
Get in touch with Marlene to see how Infinite Resolutions can help your business today!