Supervisor Skills/Leader Development

Most employees don’t quit their job, they quit their boss.

Do your supervisors, managers, and tomorrow’s leaders have all the tools, skills, and support they need for success – including employee retention? Is conflict competence an expectation in your organization?

INFINITE RESOLUTIONS Resources include workshops, coaching, and coach/mentor program design. Create the skill-set and mind-set to protect your organization in the present, and prepare you for your future.

WORKSHOP participants develop awareness, knowledge, skills, and strategies that can be applied immediately in the work setting. Workshops are highly interactive. Techniques include group reflection, self reflection, partner practice, skill practice, role rehearsal, writing practice, and feedback. Content is designed to ensure consistency with the priorities, values, and practical reality of the client organization, and may include: conscious communication – performance and behavior issues – evaluations and documentation – standards of just cause – decision-making and problem-solving – challenging interactions – morale, motivation, retention – manager mediation skills – and much more. SAMPLE MODULES ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.

COACHING focuses upon individual objectives in the areas of supervisory/managerial skills, communication and interaction, conflict competence, anger management.

COACH/MENTOR PROGRAMS demonstrate your organization’s commitment to grow your next generation of leaders.

Request Free Supervisor Skills and Leader Development Resources.
Phone consultation for Infinite Resolutions clients is always at no charge.