Cost of Conflict
What is the Cost of Conflict in your organization?
- Employee litigation is on the rise – by nearly 300% in little more than a decade.
- Jury awards to successful litigants are increasing dramatically – one in five wins over a million dollars, according to one study.
- The cost of workplace conflict includes reduced productivity; increased absenteeism; expense of ongoing turnover; time and resources diverted from your mission to your defense; work relationships suffer – as well as public image, credibility.
How can you reduce cost and risk?
Workplace Alternative Dispute Resolution systems which include mediation resolve 85% of issues without litigation.
Corporations with collaborative dispute resolution systems report legal cost savings of 50 – 80% within about 5 years.
Workplace dispute resolution programs
- are confidential – no public hearings or public records.
- are prompt – resolution is often reached within 90 days, compared to the potential of years for a court case.
- reduce risks of expansive jury verdicts.
- reduce costs – for-profit and non-profit businesses, federal and state
governments are discovering millions in cost savings by resolving disputes
through mediation. - reduce disruption to the workplace.
- preserve working relationships.
- enhance constructive communication skills.
- create a sustainable solution: In mediation, the parties retain control
over the terms of the settlement – and personal investment
leads to lasting resolution.
Is Prevention Your Priority?
Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems Are The Answer.
Learn more about what we do.
Click here to get in touch with Marlene and learn how Infinite Resolutions can help your business today!